India and Offshore Wind
Lots of Interest in Offshore Wind in Scotland, Parkwind & Co.
Adrijana Buljan’s report in Offshore Wind Biz
Samsung of South Korea, from Ship Building to Turbine Building
Report from Josh Lewis in Up Stream Online
Floating Offshore for the South of Brittany, France
Report from Wind Europe
Equinor Announces New Floating Wind for Scotland
Report by Adrijana Buljan in Offshore Wind Biz
China Combines Floating and Fixed Offshore Wind
Report by Adnan Durakovic in Off Shore Wind Biz
World’s Largest Offshore Floating Windfarm off Scotland
Report by William Mathis (Bloomberg) in gCaptain
Offshore Wind Turbine Maintenance by Robots
Adnan Durakovic’s article in Off Shore Wind Biz about remote maintenance of blades. Research by Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
Floating Wind off the coast of Northern California
Matthew Lackner’s report in The Conversation explains the three methods for holding the turbine in place: Spar-buoy, Semisubmersible and Tension Leg Platform