This news from the Clean Grid Alliance (Holly Fritz, 15th Oct 2020) shows the state of blade recycling without the efforts of Re-Wind or IEA Wind Task 45, both of which are seeking to go beyond landfill or incineration.
Order Placed for Two of the World’s Largest Wind Turbine Installation Vessels
News From gCaptain The order for these huge ships demonstrates confidence in the future of offshore wind.
People in Kerry object to Anaerobic Digester
News from New Jersey – Two Gigawatts
Blade Recycling in Ireland
News from The Good News Network
The UK has lots and lots of offshore wind
Ireland isn’t Doing Well on Climate Targets
Re-Wind in the News
End of Landfill for Blades
Carbon Capture of Coal
BBC News G7 agree to using carbon capture for new coal power stations