Floating LiDAR to Measure Metocean Data Offshore Bristol Channel, Wales, England
Report by Adrijana Buljan in Offshore Wind Biz
MingYang Supplies 11MW Floating Offshore Turbines to Italy
Report by Adrijana Buljan in Offshore Wind Biz
Power Plants go Off Line Ireland
Report by Robert Shortt in RTE
Arnold Schwarzenegger: California, USA Can Make Money and Make Renewable Energy
Report by Tom Heap in the BBC
NREL’s Flatirons Campus in USA went 100% Renewable
Ireland’s Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) which Specialises in Flood Defence and Wind, bought by UK’s Ventura
Reports by Eoin Burke-Kennedy in The Irish Times and Arlene Harris in the Business Post
Second Renewables Auction (RESS2) for Ireland
From Scrap Metal to a Wind Turbine
70% of Poland’s Energy is from Coal
Report by Stephen Murphy of Sky